New Grain

Use this tool to insert new grain into ingredients database.

  • This tool is available for registered users only.
  • Check the list of all available grains first before inserting new grain.
  • Provide grain Name, Country of origin, Supplier / Manufacturer, Color (in EBC) and Potential (in SG) for each grain.
  • If Potential is not specified in Malt Specification Sheet it can be calculated using this formula:
      SG = 1 + (((EFGDB/100)*((100-MC)/100)*46)/1000)
      EFGDB = Extract FG Dry Basis (%)
      MC = Moisture Content (%)
  • English is preferred for new entries since Grain List is available for all users from different countries.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Enter value in a range between 0 and 2000
Enter value in a range between 1.000 and 1.100